
Algiers is one of my absolute favourite artists. After getting to know them by seeing their show in Dresden, Germany, in September 2017, I got shook for real and they have influenced my work since then. Saw them live another two times (the last show before the lockdowns and one of the first after) I was looking forward to the new stuff. And what can I say? Zack de la Rocha? And a remix contest? With songs that are so crazy already that the question where to start a remix is almost meant to fail before you start … but it soaked me in and it was great fun, picking some original elements and adding some own, including guitars from my friend Theo Sperlea and some vocals (and even some additional words and melodies) from the great Rue Stone. Christian Fey mixed it … and here we go! What do you think, guys? I mean, for real #algiersgotshook

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